冯士筰, 冯士筰*
【期刊论文】on the lagrangian residual velocity and the mass-transport in a multi-frequency oscillatory system
冯士筰, shizuo feng
【期刊论文】on tide-induced lagrangian residel current and residual transport 1, lagrangian residual current
冯士筰, shizuo feng, ralph t. cheng, pangen xi
【期刊论文】on tide-induced lagrangian rcsidual current and residual transport 2. residual transport with application in south san francisco bay, california
【期刊论文】three-dimensional models of marine and estuarine dynamics
【期刊论文】on circulation in bohai sea yellow sea and east china sea
【期刊论文】analysis and modelling of the bohai sea ecosystem-a joint german-chinese study
冯士筰, j
【期刊论文】health of the yellow sea
【期刊论文】a three-dimensional nonlinear model of tides
冯士筰, feng snru-zao
【期刊论文】a turbulent closure model of coastal circulation
【期刊论文】on the fundamental dynamics of barotropic circulation in shallow seas
冯士筰, feng shizuo
【期刊论文】an inter-tidal transport equation coupled with turbulent k-ε model in a tidal and quasi-steady current system*
冯士筰, feng shizuo and wu dexing
【期刊论文】a lagrangian model of circulation in bohai sea
冯士筰, feng shi-zuo, zhang shu-zhen, and xi pan-gen