冯翔, 杨昙, 虞慧群
冯翔, 陈海娟, 虞慧群
冯翔, 赖兆林, 虞慧群
冯翔, 张进文, 虞慧群
【期刊论文】 tsp湖水能量优化算法
冯翔, 马美怡, 虞慧群
冯翔, 陈海娟
冯翔, francis c.m. lau, 虞慧群
【期刊论文】a new economic generalized particle model for flow control
冯翔, francis c.m. lau
【期刊论文】behavioral modeling with new bio-inspired coordination generalized molecular model algorithm
【期刊论文】intelligent dynamic network group search optimizer for ad hoc networks
冯翔, 马美怡, 虞慧群, 王喆
冯翔, 邹儒, 虞慧群
冯翔, 马美怡, 赵天玲, 虞慧群
冯翔, 钟大鉴, 虞慧群
【期刊论文】an improved group search optimizer for the internet of things
冯翔, 刘晓婷, 虞慧群
冯翔, 刘阳, 虞慧群, 罗飞
冯翔, 马美怡, 施尹, 虞慧群
【期刊论文】a novel optimization algorithm inspired by the creative thinking process
【期刊论文】parallel physics-inspired waterflow particle mechanics algorithm for load rebalancing
冯翔, 许瀚誉, 王渊博, 虞慧群
【期刊论文】crystal-energy optimization algorithm
【期刊论文】a novel intelligence algorithm based on the social group optimization behavior
冯翔, 王渊博
冯翔, 许瀚誉, 虞慧群, 罗飞