王升, 阙树玉, sheng wang
【期刊论文】bounded stable sets of skew product for meromorphic functions
王升, sheng wang
【期刊论文】empirical study on the linkage between stock markets and real economies of china
王升, wang sheng and mao yajuan
王升, 王 升, cheng fangfang
王升, 王 升
【其他】speculative behaviors and net mortgage loan to net speculative gain ratio in the real estate market of china
【期刊论文】how to select a reasonable lag order for testing linear granger causaltity
王升, wang sheng
【期刊论文】an empirical study of r & d investment in china as viewed from export market orientation
王升, sheng wang, fangfang cheng
【期刊论文】dynamic speculative behaviors and mortgage bubbles in the estate market of mainland china
【期刊论文】uniformly perfect julia sets of meromorphic functions
王升, sheng wang, liang-wen liao
王升, 高雷
【期刊论文】some open problems on radial distribution of julia sets for meromorphic functions
【期刊论文】on radial distribution of julia sets of meromorphic functions
【期刊论文】radial distribution of julia sets of solutions to linear differential equations
【期刊论文】the local financing of fdi in the host country and its path dependence—logic evidences from china
【期刊论文】boundedness of stable domains of transcendental functions
王升, sheng wang and liangwen liao