制作时间 成果数
【期刊论文】competitive effect of stacking fault energy and short-range clustering on the plastic deformation behavior of cu-ni alloys
李小武, z.y. wang, d. han and x.w. li*
【期刊论文】biological self-arrangement of fiber like aragonite and its effect on mechanical behavior of veined rapa whelk shell
李小武, h.m. ji, y. jiang, w. yang, g.p. zhang, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】fractal analysis of microstructures-related indentation toughness of clinocardium californiense shell
李小武, h.m. ji, w.q. zhang, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】mechanical properties of cross-lamallar structures in biological shells: a review
李小武, x.w. li*, h.m. ji, w. yang, g.p. zhang and d.l. chen
【期刊论文】a good combination of strength and ductility in cu-mn alloys with high stacking fault energies: determinant effect of short range ordering
李小武, d. han, z.y. wang, y. yan, f. shi and x.w. li*
【期刊论文】fatigue fracture behavior of spot welded hot-stamped steels under tensile-shear load
李小武, b. wang, q.q. duan, g. yao, j.c. pang, z.f. zhang, l. wang, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】origin of dirac cones and pairity dependent electronic structures of -graphyne derivatives and silagraphynes
李小武, x.m. qin, y. liu*, b.q. chi, x.l. zhao, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】improving intergranular corrosion resistance in a high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel through grain boundary character distribution optimization
李小武, f. shi, p.c. tian, n. jia, z.h. ye, y. qi, c.m. liu, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】microstructural characteristic and its relation to mechanical properties of clinocardium californiense shell
李小武, h.m. ji. x.w. li*
【期刊论文】bioactive ceramic composites sintered from hydroxyapatite and silica at 1200℃: preparation, microstructures and in vitro bone-like layer growth
李小武, x. w. li, , h. y. yasuda, y. umakoshi
【期刊论文】preparation and characterizations of bioglass ceramic cement/ca−p coating on pure magnesium for biomedical applications
李小武, x. zhang, x.w. li*, j.g. li, x.d. sun
【期刊论文】cyclic deformation behavior of fe-18cr-18mn-0.63n nickel-free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel
李小武, c.w. shao, f. shi, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】preparation and properties of a novel biodegradable 3d porous magnesium scaffold for bone tissue engineering
李小武, x. zhang, x.w. li*, j.g. li, x.d. sun
【期刊论文】effect of pre-fatigue deformation on the thickness-dependent tensile behavior of coarse-grained pure aluminum sheets
李小武, y. yan, m. lu, w.w. guo, x.w. li*
【期刊论文】cymbiolanobilis shell: toughening mechanisms in a crossed-lamellar structure
李小武, h.m. ji, x.w. li*, d.l. chen*
【期刊论文】origin of dirac cones in sic siligraphene: a combined density functional and tight-binding study
李小武, x.m. qin, y. liu*, x.w. li*, j.c. xu, b.q. chi, d. zhai, x.l. zhao
【期刊论文】plastic-strain-amplitude dependence of dislocation structures in cyclically deformed <112>-oriented cu-7at.%al alloy single crystals
李小武, x.w. li*, n. peng, x.m. wu, z.g. wang
【期刊论文】dislocation structures in a cyclically deformed single-slip-oriented fe-35wt.%cr alloy single crystal containing fine cr-rich precipitates
李小武, xiao-wu li, yukichi umakoshi
【期刊论文】effect of cyclic predeformation on the uniaxial tensile deformation behavior of [017] cu single crystals oriented for critical double slip
李小武, x.w. li*, x.m. wang, w.w. guo, c.j. qi, y. yan
【期刊论文】effect of pre-annealing treatment on the compressive deformation and damage behavior of ultrafine-grained copper
李小武, q.w. jiang, x.w. li*
制作时间 成果数
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