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【期刊论文】question of parity non-conservation in weak interactions

sun zuodong, sun zuodong

journal of physical science and application,2022,10(2):33-49


in order to reasonably explain the phenomenon of cell bioelectricity, we proposed the conservation law of cell membrane area, established the ion inequality equation, and therefore paid attention to the mystery of “θ-τ”. we researched and analyzed the “θ-τ” mystery, discussed the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, suggested possible experiments to test the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, and gave our research and analysis conclusions: the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, is still a “conjecture”; the experimental scheme suggested in the papers by c. n. yang et al. cannot determine whether the weak interaction can separate left and right, and it is impossible to directly answer whether θ and τ in the “θ-τ” mystery are the same particle; the co60 β decay experiment such as c. s. wu is a pseudo-mirror experiment, whether the experimental result violates parity conservation is only based on the assumption of c. n. yang et al. in fact, experiments such as polarized co60 did not overturn the so-called “law of parity conservation”. the mirror image principle does not have any physical meaning, does not correspond to any physical conservation quantity, and cannot be destroyed by any physical experiment. in the process of turning “mirror symmetry” and “mirror asymmetry” into so-called physical “common sense” and scientific “facts” respectively, the methods of transformation are “stealing concepts” and “circular argumentation”. the “θ-τ” mystery is a “man-made” mystery. θ and τ are two different particles, which may be the result of the same precursor particle being divided into two. the work of c. n. yang, t. d. lee, c. s. wu et al. has brought quantum physicists from the “small black room” to the “bigger black room” or “smaller black room”. the right and wise choice is to go back through the door that came in. with the development of science today, it is time for some contents to reform from the bottom.

mystery of θ-τ, question of parity non-conservation, c., n., yang, t., d., lee, c., s., wu, “origami windmill” model, mystery of θ-τ, question of parity non-conservation, c., n., yang, t., d., lee, c., s., wu, “origami windmill” model, mystery of θ-τ, question of parity non-conservation, c., n., yang, t., d., lee, c., s., wu, “origami windmill” model




【期刊论文】 interpretation of action potential generation mechanism in cardiomyocytes by potassium channel “origami windmill” model

zuodong sun

journal of us-china medical science,2020,17(4):132-139


the study of the action potential of cardiomyocytes is as important as the study of nerve fiber cells. the theoretical basis of the action potential of cardiomyocytes is the ionic theory formed by nerve fiber cells. its core point of view: the decline phase of the action potential of cells is dominated by k outflow. applying the principle of the k channel “origami windmill” model, the mechanism of action potential generation of nerve fiber cells has been reasonably explained, and a point contrary to the ion theory has been drawn: the phase of the action potential decline is dominated by k influx. similarly, applying the principle of the k channel “origami windmill” model can also give a reasonable explanation for the mechanism of action potential generation of cardiomyocytes. the difference between cardiomyocyte action potential and nerve fiber cell: in addition to k , cl-, na , the process of generating cardiomyocyte action potential also involves the participation of ca2 . ca2 inflow in the rising phase will shorten the depolarization time; ca2 inflow in the falling phase will prolong the repolarization time. k , ca2 space substitution proportion: rotate into 2 k , squeeze out 3 ca2 , and 4 extra negative charges in the cell, the proportion is 2: 3: 4; conversely, squeeze out 2 k , rotate into 3 ca2 , 4 extra positive charges the cells, the proportion is 3: 2: 4. na , ca2 space substitution proportion: rotate into 1 na , squeeze out 1 ca2 , and 1 extra negative charges in the cell, the proportion is 1: 1:1; conversely, rotate into 1 ca2 , squeeze out 1 na , there is 1 more positive charge in the cell, and the proportion is 1: 1: 1. application of “origami windmill” model principle, can reasonably explain the cardiomyocytes action potential generation mechanism, further proveding “origami windmill” the model theory, “the theory of dove-like particles”“the theory of braincell activation” of science.

k+, channel, “origami windmill” model, cardiomyocytes, action potential, generation mechanism



【期刊论文】enlightening point of view based on potassium channel “origami windmill” model

zuodong sun

journal of us-china medical science,2020,17(4):109-131


applying the k channel origami windmill model principle, the whole process of action potential generation of nerve fiber cells and cardiomyocytes is explained reasonably. its core view is: cell action potential decline phase, dominated by influx of potassium ions. this is contrary to the core idea of the traditional theory—ionic theory. according to ionic theory, cell action potential decline phase, dominated by outflow of k ions. in the face of such two opposing views, the author traces back to the source, combing and commenting on the basic theoretical research on the production mechanism of cell bioelectricity generation and the results of classical basic experiments. and a series of enlightening viewpoints are produced:1. ionic theory has its preexistence deficiency; 2. there are principle defects in ghk equation and h-h equation; 3. ion channels may “same direction sharing”; 4. sodium-potassium pumps, calcium pumps and so on may not exist. the thesis's point is falsifiable. if “cell action potential decline stage, dominated by outflow of k ions” can be proved, all the points in this paper will not be true. on the contrary, the series of enlightening views in this paper will inevitably lead to a revolution in the field of life science. the viewpoint of this paper is not only closely related to the causes of human major diseases, treatment principles and methods, but also may have a profound impact on the future research direction of life science researchers.

k+, channel “origami windmill” model, action potential, sodium-potassium pump, ionic theory, ghk equation, h-h equation



【期刊论文】potassium channel origami windmill model

zuodong sun

journal of us-china medical science,2019,16(4):1-4


本文提出的钾离子通道模型,是一个独立的功能单位,四条孔道螺旋同步单方向旋转,转运k 方式是被动单向的,对atp没有依赖性,不同于之前的“船桨”“螺旋桨”“旋转门”等模型。作用机制是k 与孔道螺旋内带正电荷的氨基酸形成的排斥力推动“风齿”后退“风车”旋转,而k 通道孔径大小随着“风车”转速的快慢而变化,决定着通道孔“开放”与“关闭”。“折纸风车”模型,是应用细胞的生物物理学原理揭示k 通道运行机制,对与之相关的其它一些基础性研究具有启发意义,或许有助于从源头上回答人类健康和疾病的基本生物学问题。

k+, 通道;, 开放;, 关闭;, 折纸风车;, 模型;, k+, 转运



【期刊论文】the theory of dove-like particles

zuodong sun

journal of us-china medical science,2019,16(2):73-99


alzheimer’s disease (ad) has been reported for more than 100 years since its first discovery in 1906. there has been no significant progress in the study of its real causes and pathogenesis. the viewpoint of this paper is a heuristic viewpoint based on brain cell activation theory under such background. in this paper, the pathogenesis of sporadic ad is discussed at molecular level by applying the principles of cell physics and biology. the purpose of this paper is to harmonize the existing theories of etiology of ad and to solve the source problems that have plagued the research field of neurodegenerative diseases for a long time. conclusion: (1) basic contents: excess cations are transferred from extracellular to intracellular. they compete position with potassium ions on the inner surface of cell membranes, thus abatementing the membrane potential, making action potential unable to activate calcium channels normally, which eventually leads to abnormal apoptosis of brain cells. amyloid plaque is the remains of abnormal apoptotic brain cells. amyloid plaque is the aggregation of amyloid spots by van der waals force and electrostatic attraction, and its interstitium is amyloid protein. brain cells consist of neurons, microglia and astrocytes in turn. most of the spotted nuclei in the remains are cations. (2) solutions: physical means, especially transcranial magnetoelectricity stimulation, should be the first choice for treatment. (3) naming principles: because of the core point of view in this paper—the position of cation occupying potassium is the initiating factor of ad, so the etiology theory is named theory of dove-like particles. take the chinese idiom “turtledove occupies the nest of magpies”. “turtledove” represents the non-essential cation, “magpie” refers to the effective potassium ion, and “nest” refers to the position of the effective potassium ion.

alzheimer,, etiology,, cationic placement,, amyloid plaque,, cell remains,, physical mean


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