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question of parity non-conservation in weak interactions

journal of physical science and application,2022,10(2):33-49 | 2022年03月07日 | 10.17265/2159-5348/2021.02.005



in order to reasonably explain the phenomenon of cell bioelectricity, we proposed the conservation law of cell membrane area, established the ion inequality equation, and therefore paid attention to the mystery of “θ-τ”. we researched and analyzed the “θ-τ” mystery, discussed the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, suggested possible experiments to test the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, and gave our research and analysis conclusions: the parity non-conservation in weak interactions, is still a “conjecture”; the experimental scheme suggested in the papers by c. n. yang et al. cannot determine whether the weak interaction can separate left and right, and it is impossible to directly answer whether θ and τ in the “θ-τ” mystery are the same particle; the co60 β decay experiment such as c. s. wu is a pseudo-mirror experiment, whether the experimental result violates parity conservation is only based on the assumption of c. n. yang et al. in fact, experiments such as polarized co60 did not overturn the so-called “law of parity conservation”. the mirror image principle does not have any physical meaning, does not correspond to any physical conservation quantity, and cannot be destroyed by any physical experiment. in the process of turning “mirror symmetry” and “mirror asymmetry” into so-called physical “common sense” and scientific “facts” respectively, the methods of transformation are “stealing concepts” and “circular argumentation”. the “θ-τ” mystery is a “man-made” mystery. θ and τ are two different particles, which may be the result of the same precursor particle being divided into two. the work of c. n. yang, t. d. lee, c. s. wu et al. has brought quantum physicists from the “small black room” to the “bigger black room” or “smaller black room”. the right and wise choice is to go back through the door that came in. with the development of science today, it is time for some contents to reform from the bottom.

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