method and application of endogenous neurotransmitter regulation theory,成果详细信息-全讯担保网

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method and application of endogenous neurotransmitter regulation theory

, , , , , ,,2018,1802(2):1802-1810 | 2018年03月13日



[objective] verification and application of the theory of brain cell activation. [methods] applying transcranial magnetoelectric encephalopathy treatment instrument to the treatment of neurodegenerative disease. including but not limited to: parkinson's disease and alzheimer's disease. [results] transcranial magnetoelectric encephalopathy treatment instrument,its double - center, randomized, double - blind clinical trial has been carried out at the national clinical trial base,it proves that the instrument is safe and effective. this instrument is especially suitable for the treatment of the following diseases: 1. it is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate parkinson's disease and can significantly improve resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia in patients with parkinson’s disease and other symptoms. 2. it is suitable for the treatment of mild and moderate alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia and can improve the mental state, cognitive behavior and self-care ability of daily life. 3. it is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate depression and can obviously improve the main symptoms of depression, sleep disorder, anxiety and so on. 4. it is suitable for the treatment of cerebral apoplexy sequelae, cerebrovascular dementia and brain atrophy, it can activate the brain cells in the state of inhibition and mobilize the potential energy of the brain. [conclusions] the theory of brain cell activation,it is applicable to encephalopathy and not limited to encephalopathy,according to this theory, the subject of "physical disease science" can be created.

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