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the theory of brain cell activation

journal of us-china medical science,2017,14(5):203-211 | 2017年09月12日 | 10.17265/1548-6648/2017.05.003



this is a new idea that based on effective treatment of parkinson's disease and alzheimer's disease with transcranial magnetoelectric stimulation technology, it can understand a hypothesis about voltage-gated ca2 channels is the best target for activation by physical means, basic content:parkinson's disease , alzheimer's disease etc. neuronal degeneration diseases, that closely related to physical-gated ion channels, which can be treated with physical means, activating neurotransmitters-energic neurons plays key roles in the treatment, and voltage-gated ca2 channels is the best target for physical means, the purpose is to induce ca2 inflowing and triggers neuronal axon terminals synaptic vesicles releasing neurotransmitters. the theory of brain cell activation sets forth the principle, method and purpose of treatment of the physical gated ion channel diseases such as alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease and other neural degeneration diseases, and indicates that the attempt to treat these diseases using pharmaceutical and chemical approaches could shake our confidence in conquering the diseases, and the application of physical approaches or combined application of physical and chemical approaches in the treatment of some major encephalopathy may be our main research direction in the future.

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