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multidisciplinary high-resolution correlation of the permian-triassic boundary

, ,

palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 143 (1998) 199-212,-0001,():



biostratigraphic correlation of the ten most important permian-triassic boundary sections throughout tethys enables establishment of four conodont and ammonoid subdivisions within a stratigraphic interval, one to a few metres thick, representing less than i ma. in ascending order, they are conodonts(clarkina chargxingensis-c. deflecta zone; hindeodus typicalis interval; isarcicella parva zone and i. isarcica zone) and ammonoids(pseudotirolites-pleuronodoceras zone, lower otoceras zonel, upper otoceras zone and ophiceras zone). most of them can be traced to notrh america and the arctic region. carbon isotope investigations of 24 sections along tethys and in greenland and spitzbergen confirm the consistency of 813 c negative excursions at the permian-triassic boundary, together with an ineonsistent ir anomaly. eight sections show that in most cases there is a succession of: ir anomaly (denoting the end-permian catastrophic envirorment); 813c excursion (biomass loss, extinction); p/t boundary (origination of newcomers; potentially capable of intercontinental correlation within that short time interval). there is an intercontinental sequence boundary at the top of the permian, and a transgressive surface at the p/t boundary followed shortly by a maximum flooding surface. an intercontinental anoxia event accompanied the transgression. three delineations of the mass extinction phases and three population explosions have been recognized and can be more or less correlated in south china and the southern alps. radiometric dating of the volcanogenic boundary clays of meishan, shangsi and the main-stage siberian tunguss traps give an almost identical age of 250 ma, thus implying a synchronous interregional volcanic event. there are a few palaeomagnetic transforms within the ptb strata. thus, multidisciplinary research of the p/t boundary strata allows subdivision of this short interval into more than ten intercontinentally correlatable pars. each subdivision averages less than 100ka in duration. this may be the highest resolution obtained so far in pre-cretaceous rocks. high-frequency. milankovitch-type cyclic deposits within the p/t boundary beds enable correlation of even higher resolution in the lower yangtze area. this high resolution is made possible because the p/t transition is a time of saltation and catastrophy in geological history. causality of the aggregation of events merits further investigation.

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