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morphology and phase diagram of comples block copolymers: abc star triblock copolymers

, , , , ,

received: december 18, 2003; in final from: april 13, 2004,-0001,():



microphases and triangle phase diagrams of abc star triblock copolymers are investigated on the basis of a real-sapce implementation of the self-consistent field theory (scft) for polymers. for the of numerical trability, the calculations are carried out in two dimensions (2d). nine stable microphases are uncovered, including hexagonal lattice, core-shell hexagonal lattice, lamellae, and lamellae with beads at teh interface as well as a variety of complex morphologies that are absent in liear abc triblocks, such as a "three-color" hexagonal honeycomb phase, knitting patern, otcgagon-octagon-tetragon phase, lamellar phase with altemating beads, and decagon-hexgon-tetragon phase. we have found that when the volume factions of the three species are comparable the star architecture of the polymer chain is a strong topological constraint taht regulates the geometry ofthe microphases formed. however, when at least one of the volume fractons of the three species is low, the influence of the star arc hitecture on the morphology is not significant. our calculations reasonably agree with previous theoretical and experimental results and can be used to guide the design of novel mocrosructures involving star triblock copolymers.

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