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rheological study of the sol-gel transition of hybrid gels

, , , , , , ,

macromolecules 2003, 36, 855-859,-0001,():



as the temperature decreases, thermally sensitive spherical poly (n-isopropylacrylamide) (pnipam) microgels with a lower critical solution temperature (lcst~32 ℃) swell in a dispersion, leading to a possible volume-concentration induced sol-gel transition if the microgel concentration is sufficiently high. in such a formed gel, polymer chains inside each microgel were chemically cross-linked, but individual microgels were physically close-packed into a three-dimensional network. such hybrid gels can be used as model systems for studying the sol-gel transition, which avoids several problems, such as chain entanglements, phase separation, and vitrification, normally occurring in a gelling process. the sol-gel transition of such hybrid gels was studied by the change of viscoelastic modulus g¢ and g¢¢. as expected, the sol-gel transition depends on the polymer concentration, frequency, and shear stress. the gelation point could be roughly estimated by the method of winter and chambon. our results showed that the temperature dependence of g″ and tan σ(=g″/g′) had a minimum, which corresponded to the sol-gel transition, providing a better way to determine the sol-gel transition temperature.

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【免责声明】以下全部内容由[杨玉良]上传于[2005年03月11日 01时04分34秒],全讯担保网的版权归原创者所有。本文仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关。本网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。


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