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text mining for finding functional community of related genes using tcm knowledge

, , , ,

j.-f. boulicaut et al. (eds.): pkdd 2004, lnai 3202, pp. 459-470, 2004.,-0001,():



we present a novel text mining approach to uncover the functional gene relationships, maybe, temporal and spatial functional modular interaction networks, from medline in large scale. other than the regular approaches, which only consider the reductionistic molecular biological knowledge in medline, we use tcm knowledge(e.g. symptom complex) and the 50,000 tcm bibliographic records to automatically congregate the related genes. a simple but efficient bootstrapping technique is used to extract the clinical disease names from tcm literature, and term co-occurrence is used to identify the disease-gene relationships in medline abstracts and titles. the underlying hypothesis is that the relevant genes of the same symptom complex will have some biological interactions. it is also a probing research to study the connection of tcm with modern biomedical and post-genomics studies by text mining. the preliminary results show that symptom complex gives a novel top-down view of functional genomics research, and it is a promising research field while connecting tcm with modern life science using text mining. keywords: text ming, traditional chinese medicine, symptom complex, gene functional relationships

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【免责声明】以下全部内容由[吴朝晖]上传于[2005年04月15日 22时11分22秒],全讯担保网的版权归原创者所有。本文仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关。本网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。


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