cd4 cd25 regulatory t lymphocytes in allergy and asthma ,成果详细信息-全讯担保网

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cd4 cd25 regulatory t lymphocytes in allergy and asthma

, ,

allergy 2005: 60: 986-995,-0001,():



allergic asthma is characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness and chronic mucosal inflammation mediated by cd4 th2 lymphocytes. regulatory cd4 cd25 t cells are important components of the homeostasis of the immune system, as impaired cd4 cd25 t cell activity can cause autoimmune diseases and allergy. the mechanism of suppression by cd4 cd25 t cells remains controversial; different in vivo and in vitro studies raise possible roles for the immunosuppressive cytokines interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-β, forkhead transcription factor foxp3, glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor, cytotoxic lymphocyte associated antigen-4, 4-1bb costimulator receptor, a cd4-related molecule lag-3, and neuropilin-1. current data suggest that th2 responses to allergens are normally suppressed by cd4 cd25 t cells. suppression by cd4 cd25 t cells is decreased in allergic individuals. furthermore, cd4 cd25 t cells play a key role in regulating airway eosinophilic inflammation. the immunomodulatory properties of cd4 cd25 t cells do extend to th2 responses, most notably by limiting the development of a proinflammatory cd4 th2 phenotype characterized by reduced cytokine production. an understanding of the roles of cd4 cd25 t cells in vivo could provide better insight into the design of novel approaches to modulate the chronic airway inflammatory reaction evident in bronchial asthma.

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