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  • 姓名:束锋
  • 目前身份:
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束锋,中共党员,博士,研究员,博士生导师。无线与移动通信委员会委员。中国通信学会高级会员。闽江学者讲座教授。国际知名期刊ieee access编委。1973年出生于安徽桐城。分别于2002年11月、1997年4月、和1994年7月获东南大学信息科学与工程学院信号与信息处理专业博士学位,西安电子科技大学电子工程学院生物电子学硕士学位和阜阳师范学院物理电子学院物理教育学学士学位。1997年4月-1999年4月:原电子部第36所(江南通信研究所)助理工程师。2002年7月-2003年10月:明基电通原南京研发中心无线通信组组长,高级系统工程师。2003年10月-2005年10月: 东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室信息与通信工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究(指导导师:原移动通信国家重点实验室主任程时昕教授)。2007年7月到9月国家留学基金委和南京理工大学联合资助到澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学短期研修。2008年8月-2009年1月:上海外国语大学出国留学人员英语高级(1)班班长,顺利结业。2009年9月到2010年9月,国家留学基金委和南京理工大学联合资助到美国德州大学达拉斯分校从事博士后研究。2013年9月到2014年8月,被省委组织部派往南通港闸区秦灶街道挂职副主任。  

本人计划未来两年内在未来无线通信方向招博士生2名/年和硕士生1~4名/年,热诚欢迎有志于祖国信息事业的同学与人员保送和报考研究生和博士后!尤其欢迎数学基础好(包括数学专业)或硬件设计能力强的报考。全讯担保网的联系方式:mobile phone: 13813866289, email:   


获得荣誉与成果:2014年被省委组织部考核为第六届科技镇长团优秀成员;2006 年度以第一作者发表关于《对流层散射通信系统基本理论和关键技术研究》荣获《第23届全国通信与信息技术发展研讨会》10篇最佳论文之一;2006-2007 年度被聘选为南京理工大学后备学术带头人和青年骨干教师; 论文《自动识别系统中基于接收波束成形的同信道干扰抑制》(作者:丁冬冬,束锋,王建新,陆锦辉)荣获2013年度全国无线与移动通信学术大会15篇最佳论文之一;指导研究生童娟娟,孟庆功,和卢雅哲撰写论文分获2014和2013年度江苏省电子信息研究生论坛优秀论文奖;指导研究生未元,王忆梦和李隽撰写论文分获2013和2014年度南京地区研究生通信年会优秀论文一等奖和三等奖曾先后12余次被学院和学校评为各类先进工作者包括国际合作与交流、科研先进、sci论文先进、优秀研究生指导导师、教学突出贡献等各类优秀;ieee vtc spring 2016, wcsp 2015, chinacom 2014等国际会议tpc成员;指导研究生先后3人次荣获国家奖学金;指导研究生和本科生先后三人次获优秀校级论文。

论文方面本人长期以来从事未来无线通信系统核心技术研究, 目前感兴趣的研究方向:无线通信(mimo networks,多中继协作、多基站协作和多用户协作通信);信息论及应用;雷达信号处理(频率步进雷达,sar雷达和分布式mimo雷达);无线定位技术;卫星通信。已申请国家专利40余项, 授权发明专利2项实用新型专利2项,在国内外核心期刊ieee trans on wireless communications, ieee trans on communications, ieee communications letters, ieee trans on  vehicular technology , ieee signal processing letters, iet(iee) proceeding communications, iet(iee) electronics letters, 中国科学,系统工程与电子(英文),电子学报,高技术通讯, 宇航学报, 通信学报以及电子信息学报等发表论文200余篇。其中sci/scie检索论文50余篇,其中第一作者sci论文16篇,ei检索100多篇,ieee期刊论文20余篇,中国科学信息科学论文12篇,被国内外学者引用510余次。现为国际电子电气工程师学会(ieee)、中国宇航学会和中国兵工学会会员。ieee trans on wireless communications, ieee trans on communications, ieee trans on signal processing, ieee jsac, eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking, eurasip signal processing, 中国科学,宇航学报, 高技术通信,信号处理和电路与系统学报等多个杂志特邀评委。目前指导研究生10多名。

科研方面:正在主持国家自然基金面上项目与国家重点实验室开放课题各一项;主持完成军口863与国家自然基金面上项目各一项,以副组长身份协助主持完成863一项;已完成主持各类应用基础研究项目和课题共6项,参与多项国家自然基金项目,特别是国家自然基金重大项目(负责人:尤肖虎教授, 移动通信国家重点实验室主任,无线通信技术2011国家协同创新中心主任,东南大学信息学院原院长)。

博士后:刘婷婷(副教授,南工程),albeldime mohamed (南苏丹,获东南大学博士学位)。

在读博士研究生王进(博),胡锦松(博,澳洲国立大学颜世浩博士与李骏教授联合指导),周小波(博,与李骏教授,新加坡国立大学曾勇博士,浙大陈晓明教授联合合指导),余海(博,与王建新教授,钱玉文博士,李·骏·教授联合指导),孙琳琳(博,钱玉问博士与李骏教授联合指导), soothar(巴基斯坦), almagboul(南苏丹),夏桂阳。

在读硕士研究生:崔玉荻(硕), 吴肖敏,刘苗(与李骏教授联合指导),陈洪洋(与桂林卿博士联合指导),时国维(与李骏教授联合指导),严佳慧-朱伟(与钱玉文博士,陆锦辉教授联合指导),杨淑萍(与桂林卿博士联合指导),徐顺风(与李骏教授,曾振平博士联合指导),秦耀璐,沈桐,宋雨杭,万思明(与陆锦辉教授联合指导),王正旺,王诚(与李骏教授联合指导),魏汇赞(与陆锦辉教授联合指导)。

已毕业研究生:吴佳均(留学俄罗斯),顾晨(国奖,江苏电信),钱振宇(安徽移动),黄晓辉(携程),周叶(南京工业大学,与陆锦辉教授联合指导),陈宇(中电子28所南京),童娟娟(华为上海),李蠡(中兴长沙),李隽(福建移动),阙非(南京理工大学信息处, 与陆锦辉教授联合指导),王忆蒙(中电10所成都),徐彦青(苏州移动,与钱玉文博士联合指导), 田梦(宜昌税务局,与钱玉文博士联合指导),林玉倩(华为南京,与钱玉文博士和曾振平博士联合指导),卢雅哲(华为上海, 荣获两次国家研究生奖学金),丁冬冬(华为南京),未元(中国电子成都30所),勾国璐(中国出口信用保险公司江苏分公司),陈晓慧(远景能源), 孟庆功(招商银行杭州软件中心),梁彦(南京邮电大学,与刘中教授联合指导博士生),李妍妍(中移动河南省公司), 刘璐(南京理工大学), 黄赢(中移动重庆),戴雨峰(上海航天电子),史夏洁(中国电信江阴),王亚西(中国电子30所成都),高青(中移动常州),徐海涛(中移动嘉兴),范海强(oppo),莫玮(?),张晴川(阿朗上海贝尔实验室,与孙锦涛教授联合指导博士生),阮玉孟(越南留学生,越南财政部门),包婷婷(中国电信无锡,与汪茂教授联合指导),刘婷婷(南京工程学院,与王建新教授和汪茂教授联合指导博士生),李兴伟(阿里巴巴杭州),沙福海(华为南京),韩元元(华为上海),彭娟(?),周文琴(阿里巴巴,杭州),南天翼(阿朗成都),郭文龙(华为南京),冯心欣(福州大学),程峰(中电子28所),刘祎(南通海事局,与韩玉兵副教授联合指导),陈晓明(与孙锦涛教授联合指导, 南京航空航天大学),马岚(与孙锦涛和韩玉兵博士联合指导,中兴通讯),毕义峰(中兴南京)。

已毕业本科生:吴琼(香港科技大学攻读博士研究生),狄迪(铁塔公司),余诗绕(美国西北大学攻读硕士研究生)陈玺羽(美国康奈尔大学攻读硕士研究生),桑天一(美国加州大学戴维斯分校:uc davis 攻读硕士研究生),沈悦(美国东北大学攻读硕士研究生),王天奇,陶骏,孙旭耀,何恒涛,陶文武,李玉,候其,魏明君,喻京昊,缪树日,孟晓祥,柏庆,陆蓉蓉,陈百儒,徐铭等保送东南大学研究生,文成宇和钱婧分别考上和保送清华大学研究生,刘俊豪保送航天8院研究生。

 在国家自然基金   no.61271230,no.61472190,863等资助下投稿,录用与发表如下代表论文。

selected submitted, accepted, and published papers:

[2017-0]feiran you, jun li, feng shu, and jinhui lu. on the auction-based resource trading for a small-cell caching system, ieee communications letters, accepted by mar. 2017.

[2017-1] yijin zhang, zhang min, changhong fu, jun li, and feng shu, design and analysis of an energy-efficient csma protocol for asynchronous mpr, accepted, ieee access, mar.2017.

[2017-2] yijin zhangyuanda zhouyuwen qian, jun liand feng shu, a blind adaptive tuning algorithm for reliable and energy-efficient communication in ieee 802.15.4 networks, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, accepted , mar. 2017

[2017-3] jinsong hu, shihao yan, feng shu, jianzhou wang, jun li and  yijin zhang,  artificial-noise-aided secure transmission with directional modulation based on random frequency diverse arrays, accepted by ieee access, jan. 2017

[2017-4] feng shu, jin wang, jun li, riqing chen,  and wen chen, pilot optimization, channel estimation and optimal detection for full-duplex  ofdm systems with iq-imbalances, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, accepted, feb 8. 2017


[2016-1] jun liyoujia chenbranka vunetic feng shu, and xiaohu you, a small-cell caching system in mobile cellular networks with los and nlos channelsaccepted by ieee access, dec. 2016 

[2016-2] feng shu, shuping yang, yaolu qin, and jun li,  approximate analytic quadratic-optimization solution for tdoa-based passive multi-satellite localization with earth constraint, accepted by ieee access, dec. 2016 

[2016-3] hai yu, feng shu, you you,  jin wang, xiaohu you, etc, compressed-sensing based sparse channel estimator for full-duplex ofdm systems with iq-imbalance, accepted by science china information sciences,  nov. 2016.

[2016-4] feng shu, ye zhou, riqing chen, jin wang,  jun li etc,  high-performance beamformer and low-complexity  detector of df-based full-duplex mimo relaying networks, accepted by china communications, oct .2016

[2016-5]  yuwen qian, ziyang wang, jun li, dongfan zhang, and feng shu, sub-channel assignment and link schedule for in-home power-line communication network in smart grid, accepted by iet communications.

[2016-6] abdegader albaddetime, feng shu, and lenan wu, on channel estimation in vehicular networks, accepted by iet communications.

[2016-7]  jun li, wen chen, ming xiao, feng shu, xuan liu, efficient video pricing and caching in heterogeneous networks, ieee trans on vehicular technology, vol. 65, no.10 744 – 8751, dec. 2016.

[2016-8] yuwen qian, c zhang, z xu, feng shu, l dong, jun li, a reliable opportunistic routing for smart grid with in-home power line communication networks, science china information sciences, vol.59, no.12, 122305,  nov. 2016

[2016-9] feng shu, xiaomin wu, jun li, riqing chen, and branka vunetic, robust synthesis scheme for mult-beam directional modulation in broadcasting systems, ieee access, vol.4, pp.6614-6623, oct. 2016.

[2016-10] jun li, jinshan sun,  yuwen qian, feng shu, etc,  a commercial video-caching for small-cell cellular networks using game theory, ieee access, vol.4,  pp.7520-7531, oct. 2016.

[2016-11] jinsong hu, feng shu, and jun li, robust synthesis method for secure directional modulation with imperfect angle information, ieee communication letters, vol.20, no.6, 1084 – 1087, apr. 2016.

[2016-12] feng shu, xiaohui huang, jinsong hu, etc al, spatial channel pairing based coherent combining for relay networks, frontiers of information tech & electronics engineering, vol.17, no.9,  pp.938-945, sep. 2016.

[2016-13] yijin zhang, ws wong, yongcheng huang, and feng shu, protocol sequences for the multiple-packet reception channel without feedback,  ieee trans on communications,  2016, vol. 64, no.4, pp.1687 - 1698, apr. 2016

[2016-14] jin wang, feng shu, xiaohui huang,  and yimeng wang, optimal coherent combining schemes for relay networks,  wireless personal communications,  vol.88, no.3, 575-585, mar. 2016

[2016-15] jin wang, feng shu, riqing chen, yu chen, jun li,  and yudi cui, adaptive robust beamforming for multi-pair two-way relay networks, frontier of information tech & electronics engineering, vol.17, no.3,  pp. 265-280, mar. 2016.

[2016-16]  feng shu, juanjuan tongxiaohu you, chen guand jiajun wu, adaptive robust max-slnr precoder for mu-mimo-ofdm systems with imperfect csiscience china information sciences, vol. 59: 062302, jun. 2016


[2015-1] yu-wen qian, meng tian, xue jiang, hua-ju song, feng shu, and jun li, performance analysis for a two-way relaying power line networkwith analog network coding frontier of information tech & electronics engineering, vol.16, no.10,  pp. 892-898, oct. 2015.


[2014-1] feng shu,  yu chen, xiaohu you,  and  jinhui lu, low-complexity optimal spatial channel pairing for af-based multi-pair two-way relay networks, accepted by  science china information sciences,  vol.57, no.10,  pp.1–10,  oct. 2014.

[2014-2] chunliang yang, mao wang, jianxin wang, feng shu, and xiaohu you. single-tone signaling design for intercell interference management with applications to femto-cell networks. ieee trans on vt, vol. 63, no.3, pp.1242-1255, mar. 2014

[2014-3] yijin zhang,  wk shum,  ws wong, feng shu.  binary sequences for multiple access collision channel: identification and synchronization,  ieee trans communications,  2014, vo.62, no.2, pp. 667-675, feb. 2014.

[2014-4] feng shu, yazhe lu, yu chen, xiaohu you, jianxin wang, mao wang, weixing sheng & qian chen, high sum-rate beamformers for multi-pair two-way relay networks with amplify-and-forward relaying strategy,  science china information sciences, vol.57, no.2, pp.1-11, feb.2014.


[2013-1] min hua, mao wang, wenjie yang, xiaohu you, feng shu, jianxin wang, weixing sheng, and qian chen. analysis of the frequency offset effect on random access signals ieee trans communications,vol.61, no.11, pp.4728-4740, nov. 2013

[2013-2] jun zuo, mao wang, qinqin zhang, feng shu, jianxin wang, weixing sheng, qian chen, discovery signal design and its application to peer-to-peer communications in ofdma cellular networks, ieee trans wireless communications, vol.12, no.8, pp.3995 – 4009, aug. 2013  

[2013-3] tingting liu, feng shu, research on hidden malicious user detection problem , security and communication networks , vol. 7,  no.6,  pp.958–963, june 2014 

[2013-4] liang yan, feng shu, yijin zhang, and junhui zhao, high performance compensation scheme for frequency-dependent iq-imbalances in ofdm transmitters and receivers,  journal of systems and engineering electronics, no.24, vol.2,  pp.204-208, april.2013 

[2013-5] feng shu, xiaohu you, mao wang, yubing han, yang li, and weixing sheng, hybrid interference alignment and power allocation for multi-user interference mimo channels. science china information sciences, vol.56, no.4, pp.15-23, april 2013.

[2013-6] van-bien pham, weixing sheng , mao wang, feng shu, xiaofeng , single-symbol maximum likelihood decodable stbcs with fewer zero-entries, wireless personal communications,  vol. 69, no, 2,  pp.827-839, feb. 2013.


[2012-1] feng shu, junhui zhao, xiaohu you, mao wang, qian chen, stevan berber, an efficient sparse channel estimator combining time-domain ls and iterative shrinkage for ofdm systems with iq-imbalances,science china information sciences, 55(11), 2604-2610, 2012.

[2012-2] qingchuan zhang, feng shu, jintao sun, on the diversity behavior for fixed gain amplify-and-forward relaying over frequency-selective channels based on linearly-precoded ofdm. ieee trans on vehicular technology, vol.61, no.5, pp.2405-2411, may 2012.

[2012-3]  chengling jiang, mao wang, feng shu, jianxin wang, weixing sheng, and qian chen, multi-user mimo with limited feedback using alternating codebooks, ieee trans on communications, vol.60, no.2, pp.333-338, feb. 2012.


[2011-1] qingchuan zhangfeng shumao wangand jintao sun. relay selection schemes for precoded cooperative ofdm and their achievable diversity orders. ieee signal processing letters2011vol.17, no.12, pp.231-234, dec. 2011.

[2011-2] feng shu, mao wang, yaxi wang, haiqiang fan, and jinhui lu, an efficient power allocation scheme for leakage-based precoding in multi-cell multiuser mimo downlink. ieee communications letters, vol.5, no.10, pp.1053-1055, oct.2011.

[2011-3] chengling jiangmao wangchunliang yangfeng shu, etc. mimo precoding using rotating codebooks. ieee trans on vehicular technology vol.60, no.3, pp.1222-1227, mar. 2011

[2010-1] feng shu, stevan berber, dongming wang, qinchuan zhang and mao wang, ml integer frequency offset estimation for ofdm systems with null subcarriers: estimation range and pilot designscience china information sciences , vol. 53, nov. 12, pp. 2567-2575, dec. 2010. 

[2010-2] feng shu, mao wang, and tingting liu, leakage-based precoding with power allocation for multi-cellular multiuser mimo downlink, iet electronics letters, vol.46, no.24, pp.1629-1630, nov. 2010. 

[2010-3] tingting liu, mao wang, liang yan, feng shu, jianxin wang, weixin sheng, and qian chen, a minimum complexity high performance channel estimator for mimo-ofdm , ieee trans on vehicular technology, vol.59, no.9, pp.4634-4639, nov. 2010

[2010-4] feng shu, hlaing  minn, liang yan, and jinhui lu, pic-based iterative sdr detector for ofdm systems in doubly-selective fading channels, ieee trans wireless communications, vol.9, no.1, pp.86-91, jan.  2010.

 [2009-1] liang yan, feng shu, qinchuan zhang, zhong liu, stevan berber, low-complexity sphere decoding for detection of ofdm systems in doubly-selective fading channels, iet electronics letters , 45 (15), 797-798, 2009. 

 [2005-1] feng shu, shixin cheng, james  lee, ming chen, xiaohu you, analysis of time and frequency synchronization error for wireless systems using ofdm, science in china series f: information sciences, vol.48,  no.3,  pp. 379-396, mar. 2005

 [2003-1] feng shu, james lee, lenan wu, guangling zhao. time-frequency channel estimation for digital amplitude modulation broadcasting systems based on ofdm, iee proceedings communications, vol.15, no.4, pp.259-264, apr. 2003

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