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a new understanding of the matter-antimatter asymmetry


progress in physics,-0001,15(3):156-162



there are no theory on antimatter structure unless the mirror of its normal matter, with the same mass but opposite qualities such as electric charge, spin, , etc. to its matter counterparts holding with the standard model of particle. in theory, a matter will be immediately annihilated if it meets with its antimatter, leaving nothing unless energy behind, and the amounts of matter with that of antimatter should be created equally in the big bang. so, none of us should exist in principle but we are indeed existing. a few physicists explain this puzzling thing by technical assuming there were extra matter particles for every billion matter-antimatter pairs, or asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the end. certainly, this assumption comes into beings by a priori hypothesis that the matter and antimatter forming both complying with a same composition mechanism after the big bang, i.e., antimatter consists of antimolecules, antimolecule consists of antiatoms and antiatom consists of antielectrons, antiprotons and antineutrons without experimental evidences unless the antihydrogen, only one antimolecule. why only these antimatters are detected by experiments? are there all antimatters in the universe? in fact, if the behavior of gluon in antimatter, i.e., antigluon is not like the behavior but opposites to its matter counterparts or reverses gluon interaction fgk to

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