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science’s dilemma – a review on science with applications


progress in physics,-0001,12(2):78-85



actually, different views result in different models on things in the universe. we usually view a microcosmic object to be a geometrical point and get into the macrocosmic for finding the truth locally which results in a topological skeleton or a complex network. thus, all the known is local by ourselves but we always apply a local knowledge on the global. whether a local knowledge can applies to things without boundary? the answer is negative because we can not get the global conclusion only by a local knowledge in logic. such a fact also implies that our knowledge on a thing maybe only true locally. could we hold on the reality of all things in the universe globally? the answer is uncertain for the limitation or local understanding of humans on things in the universe, which naturally causes the science’s dilemma: it gives the knowledge on things in the universe but locally or partially. then, how can we globally hold on the reality of things in the universe? and what is the right way for applying scientific conclusions, i.e., technology? clearly, different answers on these questions lead to different sciences with applications, maybe improper to the universe. however, if we all conform to a criterion, i.e., the coexistence of human beings with that of the nature, we will consciously review science with that of applications and get a right orientation on science’s development.

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