a theoretical and practical clarification on the calculation of reflection loss for microwave absorbing materials,成果详细信息-全讯担保网

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a theoretical and practical clarification on the calculation of reflection loss for microwave absorbing materials

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aip advances,2018,8(1):015223 | 2018年01月25日



reflection loss is usually calculated and reported as a function of the thickness of microwave absorption material. however, misleading results are often obtained since the principles imbedded in the popular methods contradict the fundamental facts that electromagnetic waves cannot be reflected in a uniform material except when there is an interface and that there are important differences between the concepts of characteristic impedance and input impedance. in this paper, these inconsistencies have been analyzed theoretically and corrections provided. the problems with the calculations indicate a gap between the background knowledge of material scientists and microwave engineers and for that reason a concise reviewof transmission line theory is provided along with the mathematical background needed for a deeper understanding of the theory of reflection loss. the expressions of gradient, divergence, laplacian, and curl operators in a general orthogonal coordinate system have been presented including the concept of reciprocal vectors. gauss’s and stokes’s theorems have been related to green’s theorem in a novel way

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