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molecular-dynamics study of displacement cascades in cu-au solid solutions

physical revew b volume 53, nuber 17 1 may 1996-1,-0001,():



a molecular-dynamics study has been made of the influence of solute content on low-energy displacement cascade processes in copper containing up to 15 at. % au in solid solution. this alloy system was chosen to illustrate the effects of heavy, oversized solute atoms in a fcc matrix. cascades of up to 2ke vin energy were considered. the presence of the solute was found to have a significant impact on all phases of cascade development, but not on the final defect number. the ballistic phase is increased in duration, and the number of temporarily displaced atoms is increased by the solute, and the thermal spike that follows is also increased in intensity and duration. as a consequence, the atomic mixing associated with these two phases was highest in the cu–15% au alloy that contained the most solute. however, as a result of self-healing in the thermal spike, the final number of frenkel defects is independent of alloy composition. to test the influence of solute atomic mass, simulations were carried out on copper containing solute atoms with the same size as au, but a lighter mass than copper. the alloys with this fictitious element did not show the ballistic-and thermal-spike effects exhibited by those containing "normal" gold. the results are discussed in terms of the likely roles of solutes in damage evolution in alloys under cascade-producing irradiation.

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【免责声明】以下全部内容由[邓辉舫]上传于[2009年06月09日 17时16分47秒],全讯担保网的版权归原创者所有。本文仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关。本网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。


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