摘要:为明确驾驶人在高密度互通立交出入口时精神负荷变化与驾驶环境的相关性,选取重庆市主城区内环快速路上4座立交(3座小净距立交及1座普通立交)作为研究对象,开展了47位驾驶人的实车驾驶试验。使用生理仪连续采集了驾驶人的心电数据,计算了驾驶人经过立交分流点、合流点前后的心率增长率(heart rate increase, hri),以hri作为驾驶人精神负荷评价指标,明确了驾驶人在立交出口和入口的精神负荷变化规律,对出口和入口的精神负荷进行了对比,并分析了环境熟悉程度及分流方向对驾驶人精神负荷的影响。结果表明:小净距立交出入口驾驶人hri存在6种变化模式,较普通立交出入口存在的5种变化模式更多样化;小净距立交出口和入口的hri均值变化呈相反的趋势,且hri均值及特征分位值均表现为入口hri略大于出口hri;合流和分流行为都会使驾驶人的精神负荷产生明显波动;立交间距离过短,会导致驾驶人经过立交出口和入口时的hri增大,精神负荷增加;环境熟悉程度对驾驶人经过立交出口和入口分合流点时的hri存在显著影响,驾驶人第2、3次经过相同立交出口和入口时的hri波动明显减小;驾驶人经过立交左侧分流点时的hri较右侧分流点更高,精神负荷更大。
关键词: 互通式立体交叉 高密度立交 立交群 心率增长率 立交出入口 驾驶行为 精神负荷
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investigation of driver mental load at entrance and exit of high density interchange group based on hri
abstract:in order to clarify the correlation between the change of driver mental load and the driving environment at the entrances and exits of high-density interchange, tests on 47 drivers were conducted at four interchanges (three small clearance interchanges and one ordinary interchange) on the inner ring expressway in the main city of chongqing. the heart rate increase (hri)of drivers before and after passing the interchange diversion point and merging point was calculated, and the heart rate growth rate was used as the mental load evaluation index to clarify the characteristics of drivers\' mental load changes at the entrance and exit of the interchange. the results show that there are six patterns of changes in the heart rate growth rate of drivers at the entrances and exits of small clearances interchanges, which is more diverse than the five patterns of changes at the entrances and exits of ordinary interchanges. additionally, the mean values of the heart rate growth rates at the exits and entrances of small clearances interchanges showed opposite trends, and the mean values and characteristic quartiles of the heart rate growth rates showed that the heart rate growth rates at the entrances were slightly higher than those at the exits; both merging and diverging behaviors caused significant fluctuations in the mental load of drivers. the familiarity with the environment has a significant effect on the heart rate growth rate of drivers passing through the exit and entrance merging points of the interchange, and the fluctuation of the heart rate growth rate of drivers passing through the exit and entrance of the same interchange for the second and third time is significantly reduced. the heart rate growth rate of drivers passing through the left side of the interchange is higher than that of the drivers passing the right side, indicating a greater mental load
keywords: interchange high density interchange interchange group heart rate increase (hri) interchange entrance and exit driving behavior mental load