摘要:为合理规划开采新疆广泛赋存的巨厚煤层,通过分析整理勘探资料和模拟实验,明确了新疆巨厚煤层的赋存特征,研究了不同赋存条件下巨厚煤层开采覆岩结构演变过程,初步提出了以煤层倾角、煤层开采总厚和覆岩厚度为指标的巨厚煤层分类方法并进行了工程应用展望。研究结果表明:新疆巨厚煤层分布整体呈北多南少、东多西少的特点,主要集中在准东和吐哈两大整装煤田,其中以沙尔湖煤田c8煤层和准东煤田b组煤最具代表性,煤层平均厚70~90m,埋深600m以内,因地形变化剧烈,煤层倾角多在30 ~54 ;根据覆岩承载结构形态将巨厚煤层分为覆岩难以形成承载结构、形成梁式结构和形成拱式结构三类,并结合具体矿区实际条件进行了工程应用展望,以控制覆岩承载结构高度为核心,提出了不同煤层类别下适用的开采方法。
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occurrence characteristics of ultra-thick coal seam in xinjiang and its application
abstract:in order to rationally mine ultra-thick coal seam widely distributed in xinjiang, the occurrence characteristics of ultra-thick coal seam and overlying strata structure evolution process under different occurrence conditions were studied systematically by analysis of exploration data and physical and numerical simulations. the classification method of ultra-thick coal seam was proposed preliminarily based on coal seam dip angle, total mining thickness and overburden thickness. and the prospect of engineering application was presoccurrence characteristics of ultra-thick coal seam in xinjiang and its application prospectented. the results indicate that: 1) the distribution of ultra-thick coal seams in xinjiang is characterized by more north and less south, more east and less west and the ultra-thick coal fields are mainly concentrated in east junggar and turpan-harmi; the c8 coal seam of shaerhu coal field and the group b coal seams of east junggar coal field are the most representative extremely thick coal seams, and average thickness of coal seam is 70 ~ 90 m, the depth is 600 m less than, dip angle of coal seam is 30 ~54 because of the terrain change drastically; 2) according to the load-bearing structure of overburden, the ultra-thick coal seam is divided into three categories: the load-bearing structure that is difficult to form, the beam structure formed and the arch structure formed; combined with the actual conditions of the mining area, the engineering application prospect was presented, with the height of overburden bearing structure as the core, the suitable mining method under different types of coal seam was put forward.
keywords: extra-thick coal seam xinjiang occurrence characteristics classification mining method